Graph Grading Checklist

  • Graph has a title that defines the axes. …Sentence like.
  • Graph covers more than half the page.
  • Vertical axis’ has abbreviated units (Example: m, s, m/s, N, T, etc.)
  • Vertical axis’ has a descriptive label (Example: Time to travel down track, Distance of motion, Magnetic field at a distance, etc.)
  • Vertical axis’ label reflects the function being graphed Example:example
  • Vertical axis’ units reflect the function being graphed. (Examples, t2 units are (s2), 1/distance’s units are (1/m)).
  • Horizontal axis has abbreviated units (Example: m, s, m/s, N, T, etc.)
  • Horizontal axis has a descriptive label (Example: time to travel down track, distance of motion, Magnetic field at a distance, etc.)
  • Horizontal axis’ label reflects the function being graphed Example:example
  • Horizontal axis’ units reflect the function being graphed. (Examples, (time to travel)2 units are (s2), example’s units are example).
  • Graph’s numbers are evenly spaced along the axes.
  • Data is plotted in the correct place on the graph. It is shown by dots or small squares.
  • The line of best fit is drawn WITH A STRAIGHT EDGE.
  • The line of best fit is drawn all the way across the graph –from one side to the other; or from the top to the bottom.
  • The equation for the best fit is drawn above or below the line.
  • The equation includes the variables from the axes.
  • The y intercept in the line of best fit’s equation is shown properly on the graph.
  • The slope of the graph matches the line of best fit’s slope.
  • Every group member’s name is on the graph.
  • Group member’s initials.


by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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