Inverse Square Law Questions (Each question deals with the inverse square law.)

You can do your work on a seperate piece of paper.

A space ship is moved twice as far away from the moon. By what factor does the gravitational force of attraction change?
A space ship is moved to 1/3 the distance to the moon. By what factor does the gravitational force of attraction change?
By what factor would the gravitational force change by it the Earth was moved twice as far away from the Sun?
A space ship is moved to a position around the Moon where the force of gravitational attraction changes by a factor of 9. By what factor did the new distance to the Moon compare to the old?
A couple is sitting side-by-side. By what factor should the distance between them be changed by if the attractive force is to be halved?
A space ship is moved to a position around the Moon where the force of gravitational attraction changes by a factor of 1/5. By what factor did the new distance to the Moon compare to the old?
An asteroid feels a force of attraction due to its proximity to the Earth of 600 N. The Asteroid has moved to a new position where the gravitational force of attractionis now 4200N. By what factor did the distance between the ship and the Earth change?
While watching a concert, at the John Paul Jones Arena, you notice the distance between the speakers and the front row is 200 feet. You are sitting 500 feet away from the speakers. By what factor does sound intensity in your seat compare to the sound intensity in the front row?

by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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