Magnetism Objectives

Students should be able to:

  • Given a magnet draw its magnetic field
  • From a magnetic field determine the location of a magnet’s poles
  • From the magnetic fields describe if two magnets are attracted or repelled
  • List the three types of magnetism
  • Define the three types of magnetism
  • Identify an example from each of the three types of magnetism
  • Describe how materials become magnetic on a molecular level
  • Describe how ceramics can be made to be magnetic
  • Describe the relationship between the Earth’s magnetic and geographic poles.
  • Describe the why we care about the Sun’s solar flairs (cme’s).
  • Describe how an MRI works.
  • Define Lenz’s Law and use it to solve problems
  • Define Faraday’s Law.
  • Define and calculate flux (specifically magnetic flux).
  • Describe what smart stop lights and anti theft security systems have in common.
  • Calculate the relationship between a current and the b-field at a distance from the current
    • Ampere’s Rule formula for magnitude
    • Ampere’s Rule closed right hand rule for direction
  • Calculate the force (magnitude and direction) on a current OR flow of individual charges immersed in an  EXTERNAL electric field.
    • Formula for magnitude
    • Open right hand rule for direction
  • Be able to site and/or identify applications utilizing Faraday’s law

Students should be able to:
•            given a magnet draw its magnetic field
                        - show fields with iron filings on the overhead
            Give rules
                        lines make loops ALWAYS
                        externally lines are perpendicular to the surface
                        Lines do not cross each other
                        Externally lines seek the South
                        Lines are lines of force that affect other magnets (Show hanging magnet with other magnet.)
•            from a magnetic field determine the location of a magnet’s poles
                        Lines seek magnetic  South
                        Magnetic field lines from the Sun -show computer images
•            from the magnetic fields describe if two magnets are attracted or repelled
                        - Levatron
                        - Shockwave animationclose
•            list metals that are magnetic:
                        See notes
•            describe how materials become magnetic on a molecular level
                        - unpaired electrons
                        - iron domains
                        - Shockwave animation
•            describe how ceramics can be made to be magnetic
                        iron filing doping
•            define Faraday’s Law
                        Coil over head demonstration
                        Dropped magnet in tube
                        Telephone pickup and toy truck
•            define and calculate flux (specifically magnetic flux)
•            define currents
•            calculate the force (magnitude and direction) on a current immersed in an  EXTERNAL electric field.
                        -            define the variables associated with the open right hand rule.
                        -            rail gun
•            be able to site and/or identify applications utilizing Faraday’s law
•             define Lenz’s Law and use it to solve problems
                        - magnet dropped through coper tube
                        - Stop light detection
                        - guitar pickup
•             use the closed right hand rule to solve problems
•            define the variables associated with the closed right hand rule
                        - overhead
                        - Flash animation

by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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