
Students will be able to:

1 Define Sine, Cosine and Tangent in terms of the opposite, adjacent and hypotenuse of a triangle.

2 Use the above trig functions to finds angles and right triangle side lengths.

3 Define a vector in a sentence.

4 Describe a vector’s two main features.

5 Define a scalar in a sentence.

6 Give examples of vectors and scalars.

7 Be able to identify if two vectors are equal

8 Graphically show the result of multiplying a vector by a positive scalar.

9 Graphically show the result of multiplying a vector by a negative scalar.

10 Graphically add vectors.

11 Graphically subtract vectors.

12 Graphically add, subtract and multiply vectors by a scalar in one equation.

13 Given a graphical representation of a vector equation, come up with the formula.

14 Calculate the magnitude of any vector’s horizontal and vertical components.

15 Draw a vector’s horizontal and vertical components.

16 Use trig to calculate a vector’s direction.

17 Calculate a vectors direction as a degree measurement combined with compass directions.

18 Calculate a vector’s magnitude using trig or Pythagorean theorem.

19 Add and subtract vectors by their components.

For each vector drawn below on a coordinate axis, label the shown q with it proper compass headings, e.g. N of W, S, S of E, etc.

For each vector drawn below, calculate its magnitude and direction. NOTE: For the vector’s direction, there will be two possible correct answers for each problem. The two answers are complimentary to each other.


A + B = R1, B + C = R2, E + D = R3, A - B = R4, B - D = R5, E - C = R6,
A + B + D = R7, E + A + C = R8, A + (-B) = R9, -B + C + (-D) = R10,
E - A + C - D = R11,

Adding by Vector Componants

Adding by Vector Componants

Basic Math by Vector Componants

A + B = R1, B + C = R2, E + D = R3, A - B = R4, B - D = R5, E - C = R6,
A + B + D = R7, E + A + C = R8, A + (-B) = R9, -B + C + (-D) = R10,
E - A + C - D = R11,

November 15, 2002 3:05 PM

by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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