1 |
What is the math formula for momentum?
2 |
Define each unit in the formula for momentum with its S.I. unit.
3 |
What are the formulas for impulse?
4 |
Define the each variable and its S.I. unit in the impulse formulas.
5 |
Impulse is to momentum and BLANK is to energy.
6 |
How does the impulse of hitting a resting ball off a tee compare to the impulse of catching the same ball?
7 |
A graph can be used to calculate the impulse, what is a the vertical and horizontal axis?
8 |
The impulse is not read from the graph. What is used to calculate the impulse from a graph?
9 |
What defines a collision?
10 |
How does a "perfectly elastic" collision look compared to a "completely inelastic collision?"
11 |
How does a "perfectly elastic" collision look compared to an "inelastic collision?"
12 |
What assumption is made about all "inelastic collisions" in this class?
13 |
Besides the visual differences between the perfectly elastic and completely inelastic collisions,
how are the two types of collisions the same and how are the different? (Think about physics
concepts.) |
14 |
When solving problems by using the law of conservation of momentum, what is the first step you
show to indicate that this is the method you are using?
15 |
When solving problems by using the law of conservation of momentum, what is the second step
you show?
16 |
When solving problems by using the law of conservation of momentum, what is the third step you