This is a sample of 10 messages from the 50 text messages I sent out last year. I sent 20 to 50 messages per class last year. While the messages are primariy meant for students, parents and gaurdians are welcome to sign up. (I could always use help communicating to students.)
Saturday 8/24/13 at 9:15AM
A lot has been added to the class blog. Including a form for getting a computer. Look for a small 3x5 notebook while you are out this wknd
Wednesday 8/28/13 at 4:57PM
Some answers to the homework were wrong or incomplete. I've updated all the answers on the blog.
Monday 9/2/13 at 3:43PM
There will be NO ONLINE REVIEW SESSION tonight, Monday. The username/account they gave me is not working. -Mr. Wayne
Friday 9/20/13 at 3:20PM
AP Physics Projectile Motion Review Sunday night from 8:30-9:30 Here's the link See blog and ur email for details.
Wednesday 10/16/13 at 7:55PM
Even thought your test is Tuesday, your online review session starts in 5 minutes at http://url-removed
Wednesday 10/30/13 at 11:24AM
Check your physics grades for a zero for the projectile motion lab. If you have a zero, you probably forgot to share it with. Share it now.
Sunday 11/10/13 at 7:48PM
Reminder. The optional torque test review begins at 8:00 PM, (in 10 minutes,) at
Wednesday 10/30/13 at 11:24AM
Check your physics grades for a zero for the projectile motion lab. If you have a zero, you probably forgot to share it with. Share it now.
Thursday 2/13/14 at 11:22AM
I can't imagine we're having school tomorrow. I have already posted your snow day assignment for Friday. Enjoy the snow while you can.
Wednesday 5/21/14 at 7:00AM
Seniors: Bring me your textbook any time today. Why not pack it up now?